Discover Prompts, Day 10: Orchestrate

I’ve been, after the fact, blogging daily in response to an April challenge on WordPress. The next paragraph is the opening bit of the challenge. Clicking on the link should take you to the page which shows the daily subjects. Have fun!

Welcome to Discover Prompts! Throughout April, we’re sharing a daily prompt to help you keep or regain your writing rhythm. Not sure how to participate? Read on.”

Now that we’ve covered that, on to today’s word; “Orchestrate”. One definition is to “arrange or direct the elements of (a situation) to produce a desired effect, especially surreptitiously.” I really like that last word, surreptitiously. It’s almost like you get to quietly sneak around doing “this” to see if you can get “that” to happen.

There are lots of “that’s” I’d LIKE to orchestrate. For one, I’d love to do whatever I can to contribute to the defeat of Donald Trump in the presidential election this coming November. And it doesn’t have to be surreptitiously. So far I’ve contributed to the DNC, contributed to my local Legislative District 20 (LD20) on a monthly basis, written postcards to potential voters prodding them to register to vote and go to the polls in November, tweeted like crazy in support of anything not Trump, donated art work to silent auctions raising money to support Democratic candidates, joined “Indivisible” (a nonprofit political organization), attended meetings of LD20 on a monthly basis (prior to the Coronavirus lockdown), and much more.

Other “effects” I’d like to orchestrate are support for public education, re-establishment to their original boundaries the national monuments that were illegally shrunk by the Republican administration since Obama left office, more funding and staff for existing national parks and monuments, and an increased public awareness of the importance of science – especially as it relates to global warming and the environment. Most of these desires on my part do much to brand me as a flaming liberal. But, I’m proud of that.

On a non-political basis, orchestration of various activities related to my interest in archaeology and photography will probably be a part of my energy expenditures over the next few years. There are many prehistoric sites on Agua Fria National Monument and Perry Mesa in central Arizona that need to be documented. I’ve worked on three so far: a site called Wagon Wheel, another called Sleepy Hollow and a third called 30 Boulders. There are at least three other sites I’d like to get documented before I’m no longer able to get out and about. All three have plenty of petroglyphs and two of them include habitation structures, food processing stations and more.

Once I get out of this Coronavirus lock-down, those are all projects that will be on my “To Do” list. Projects that will require orchestration on my part.