Discover Prompts, Day 20: Music

Whoa! This prompt is much like the previous one, Day 3: Song. At least it is for someone like me. Music, song, bands, performers… they all blend into a mishmash of sound that I can never identify. I’m a musical neophyte and troglodyte. An embarrassement to the rest of my family who know the words, titles, writers and melodies to literally thousands of musical pieces.

There are a very few exceptions. I CAN remember most of the words of “Happy Birthday”. And there are a couple of songs that I remember because of the impact they had on our family life when the kids were growing up. Jill and I used to drive around Phoenix with Carly and Zac in the car with the stereo playing. Their favorite song was a “They Might Be Giants” song, “Birdnest in your soul”. They would roll down the windows, blast the radio at full volume and sing it at the top of their voices. We also listened to Partical Man and Istanbul (Not Constantinople) by the same group. Disclaimer: I had to look up the name of the group and the wording of the song titles in order to type this paragraph.

It’s at this point that I would like to insert a link to “Birdnest in your soul” to illlustrate what we were hearing. However, there is probably all kinds of copyright redtape that I would have to navigate and I’m not willing to spend the time.